Williamsburg, Brooklyn: A 30+ year old ceramic studio is being demolished, and we need YOUR help salvaging materials and saving a giant ceramic kiln from destruction!!
This beautiful building was sold in order to make room for new condos (in our friend Yasuyo’s words, “tasteless” new structures) and as a result, the ceramic kilns, art studios, and materials all have to go.
Mark Ressl (MARKITECT) has organized volunteers to save one of the kilns from demolition:
Hello Friends,
I wanted to share with you the details of the first stage, The Deconstruction, of this Kiln Project and this opportunity to volunteer.
Hope that you can help out one or more of the days, Its gonna be fun!
Sunday June 1 – Saturday June 7
10am – 10pm, times will vary by day
Sunday June 1 begin at NOON
76 Ainslie St. Brooklyn, 11211 (Lorimer stop on the L)
This ceramics studio is unfortunately being demolished in the upcoming weeks to build yet more condos in Williamsburg. Luckily, the owner gave me access to the studio for a week to save the materials of the studio, and reuse them in building artist residencies in upstate NY.
Come help deconstruct a giant ceramic kiln and artist lofts. The kiln is our main priority. And if we complete it, we will spend time on the lofts to salvage the wood.
The later stages of The Kiln Project will include transporting the material to the land in the Catskills where we are building artist spaces, designing how we want to use the material to rebuild new kilns, and then reconstructing the kiln(s).
The steps for salvaging the kiln material this week are:
1. construct the wooden formwork for the ceiling arch so that we can remove the bricks.
2. remove the insulated blanket from the ceiling and door.
3. start to remove bricks and stack for palleting and packing.
4. work on metal frame, and other artist loft materials.
5. Pack a cargo van full and drive upstate with tarps and cinder blocks for making a waterproof stack.
6. Celebrate with food and music and friends in the city and upstate!
Give me a call on my new number if you want to come by and help.
-Mark Ressl, MARKITECT